Can I Trust You Again?

Rebuilding After Betrayal or Deceit


When infidelity is discovered or disclosed, it is a relationship crisis. 


The crisis of infidelity, like all crises, is a turning point. 

If you are at that turning point, you are in the right place.



It's time to begin rebuilding trust so you can find your way back to yourselves and each other.



Few topics spike our anxiety and judgment like infidelity.

One of the realities of living in the digital age is that it's easier than ever to cheat...and easier than ever to get caught.

Betrayal has the power to rock the very foundation of a relationship. In the wake of the disclosure or discovery of a betrayal like infidelity, you likely feel lost, overwhelmed with emotions, and unsure of your next steps.

That is why I created this course.

After completing the lessons and activities in this course, you will better understand yourself and your partner, and you will have taken the necessary steps to begin healing the pain and reimagining your relationship in light of this crisis.


I'm Dr. Alexandra Solomon

Licensed clinical psychologist. Professor. Bestselling author. Couples therapist. Podcast host. Unapologetic love nerd.

I've spent last two decades talking about love, sex, and intimacy with audiences around the world, including in my innovative and renowned course at Northwestern University, “Building Loving and Lasting Relationships: Marriage 101.” 

My approach, Relational Self-Awareness integrates cutting edge research and clinical wisdom to provide you with tools you can put into practice today. I am excited to share this unique online course with you.



We'll cover many topics related to infidelity, including...

  • Creating understanding of the partner who has been harmed.
  • Creating understanding of the partner who has done harm.
  • Learning how trust rebuilds after betrayal.
  • Learning about the stages or chapters of healing.
  • Learning how to cope with flashbacks and intrusive thoughts.
  • Deciding whether, when, and how to talk with family and friends.
  • And so much more.

If you’re coming to this course, we know it’s urgent. You might need time to find the right therapist. That’s why we’ve made this course on demand and as accessible as possible at just



You'll get lifetime access to videos, worksheets, handouts, and more. And you can revisit these materials as often as you would like.


Students of the Trust course say things like...

"Honestly, this course was just what I needed at the right time. I was trying to repair a relationship where my partner announced that he’d had two physical affairs and at least 4 emotional affairs over an 8 month period. Initially I decided to stay in the relationship and to try to work through things. So about 6 months into repair work I found your course. For me there were so many ‘aha’ moments that helped me to understand both sides of the situation. I felt that at times you were able to put into words the feelings that I had but couldn’t express about my own frustrations and hurt with not only the situation but with the breakdown of trust. Ultimately I ended up leaving the relationship due to a lack of willingness to repair from my ex. The course helped me to realize that I could start over again, heal myself and not need ‘closure’ as I’d previously felt. I found the videos so helpful to listen to. I’d highly recommend this course for anyone trying to get to grips with infidelity." (Trust Course Student)
"After I discovered my husband’s infidelity, we began intensive individual and couples therapy. We now share a renewed love for each other, in some ways, stronger and more honest than before. Your e-course helped us immensely - especially how you take shame out of the equation. His shame of his own behavior coupled with my shame for the inability to see the truth of what was happening for so long, was a roadblock to our healing. Your words and encouragement helped us to release that shame, and to accept our simple human-ness. For that we are immensely grateful." (Trust Course Student)
"You are wonderful. It is clear that you really understand what people go through in dealing with infidelity. I find your videos to be very knowledgeable, extremely insightful, and very clear. You are extremely articulate and accurate in your communication style which is most helpful for those of us dealing with the topics you discuss. Thanks for your efforts." (Trust Course Student)

Pay-What-You-Can Availability

I am committed to helping people overcome trauma and create healthy, meaningful, and fulfilling relationships. Black and Indigenous People of Color (BIPOC) experience statistically more financial hardship and trauma than their white counterparts. This can often lead to additional challenges when it comes to intimate relationships. That is why I am offering a limited amount of "Pay What You Can" seats in my Can I Trust You Again 101 e-course.

Fill Out the Application

Want to work directly with Dr. Solomon?

When you enroll, you also become eligible for a special 1:1 Relationship Consultation with Alexandra! 


E-course students have the opportunity to book a Relationship Consultation, either for themselves or as a couple!

You will complete and intake form and schedule a time to meet on Zoom. Dr. Solomon will guide you through the Relationship Consultation. Expect that the first half of the Relationship Consultation will be Dr. Solomon sharing initial impressions based on the information you sent and asking follow-up and clarifying questions. During the second half of the Relationship Consultation, you will discuss where to go from here. Dr. Solomon will provide you with tools and ideas for how to create healthier patterns going forward. The cost of the Relationship Consultation is $540 USD.

If you have experienced betrayal and are looking to rebuild your relationship, this course is for you.